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Lonely Planet Food: Eat France
法國美食之旅,探索不同區域的必吃佳餚,造訪酒莊、品嘗香檳,大膽挑戰各種起司、吃遍所有法式甜點等,一窺法式料理的精髓! 包含區域:巴黎、里昂、普羅旺斯、勃艮地、諾曼第、亞爾薩斯、香檳區、珮里哥地區、羅亞爾河與多爾多涅河流域等。 For everybody excited about exploring the cuisine and food and wine culture of France, this book is the perfect primer. It introduces the key regions of France and the specialities of each, covering their history and significance to the local people. It explains the dishes that you will find on the regional menus, how to order and eat them, and other essential words and phrases for navigating the French food scene. The extensive section on etiquette covers all the dos and don’ts of local customs so you need never feel awkward or uncertain. From how to toast fellow diners correctly (tip: always look them in the eye), to never biting into your piece… 詳細內容請參考誠品書店查詢此商品說明頁
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